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    인천광역시 부평구 기본통계. 제31회. 2019년 = Bupyeong-gu statistical yearbook
    • 저자

      인천광역시. 부평구 [편]

    • 발행처

      인천 : 인천광역시 부평구청, 202004

    • 발행연도


    • 간략보기 : 표제/책임표시사항, 출처정보, 행태정보, 분류기호, 자료이용안내로 구성
      표제/책임표시사항 인천광역시 부평구 기본통계. 제31회. 2019년 = Bupyeong-gu statistical yearbook / 인천광역시. 부평구 [편]
      출처정보 인천  |  인천 : 인천광역시 부평구청, 202004  |  202004  |  학술지
      형태정보 전자책  |  PDF  |  307 p.
      주제명 연보[年譜]
      분류기호 한국십진분류법 -> 359.1155
      자료이용안내 이용 제한이 없습니다.
    통계도표(CHARTS) = 17
    통계표(TABLES) = 27
    Ⅰ. 연혁(DISTRICT HISTORY) = 28
    Ⅱ. 토지 및 기후(LAND AND CLIMATE) = 32
    1. 위치(Location) = 32
    2. 지역특성(Geological Characteristics of District) = 32
    3. 행정구역(Administrative District) = 34
    4. 토지지목별현황(Area by Land Category) = 36
    5. 일기일수(Weather-Days) = 38
    6. 기상개황(Climate) = 40
    Ⅲ. 인구(POPULATION) = 42
    1. 인구추이(Trend of Population) = 42
    2. 동별세대 및 인구(Number of Households and Population by Dong) = 44
    3. 연령(5세 계급) 및 성별 인구(Population by Five-Year age group and sender) = 46
    4. 인구동태신고(Marital Statistics) = 50
    5. 인구이동(The Migration of Registered Population) = 52
    6. 주요국적별외국인 등록현황(Number of Registesed Foreigners by Main Hationality) = 54
    1. 산업 대분류별 사업체총괄(General status of enterprises by industry category) = 56
    2. 종사자 규모별 사업체수 및 종사자수(Enterprises per manpower force, number of Enterprises and work force) = 58
    3. 산업별 사업체수 및 종사자수(Number of Industries and manpower by type of Industry) = 58
    1. 농가 및 농가인구(Farm Households and Farm Population) = 60
    2. 경지면적(Area of cultivated land) = 60
    3. 경지규모별 농가(Farm Households by Size Cultivated Land) = 62
    4. 식량작물 생산량(Food grains production) = 62
    5. 채소류 생산량(Production of Vegetables) = 64
    6. 농업용기구 및 기계보유현황(Number of Agricultural Implements and Machinery) = 66
    7. 추곡수매실적(Government Purchasing of Fall Grain) = 68
    8. 수의사 분포상황(Distribution of Veterinarians) = 69
    9. 가축 사육가구 및 마리(Livestock and Breeding Households) = 70
    10. 가축전염병 발생상황(Cases of Infectious Disease of Livestock) = 72
    11. 가축전염병 예방주사 실시현황(Number of Livestock Vaccinated Against Infectious Diseases) = 72
    12. 배합사료 생산(Production of Combination Feed) = 73
    13. 소유별 임야면적(Area of Forest Land by Ownership) = 74
    14. 임상별 산림면적(Area of ForestLand by Forest Type) = 74
    15. 임상별 임목축적(Forest Growing Stock by Forest Type) = 76
    16. 사방사업(Erosion Control Work) = 76
    17. 조림현황(Afforestation) = 78
    18. 임산물 생산량(Production of Forestry Products) = 78
    19. 산림피해상황(Forestry Damage and Control of Illegal Forestry Products) = 80
    20. 제재공장 및 생산실적(Sawing Plants and Production) = 80
    1. 광업 및 제조업(Mining and manufacturing) = 82
    2. 사업체 규모별 및 제조업(Summary Figures by Size of Works Province, and Division of Industry) = 84
    3. 제조업 중분류별 사업체수 및 종사자수(Number of Establishments, Work and Division of Industry) = 86
    4. 산업 및 농공단지(Industry & Agriculture Complex) = 88
    Ⅶ. 상수도(WATERWORKS) = 90
    1. 상수도현황(Waterworks) = 90
    2. 급수사용량(Amount of Water) = 90
    3. 상수도관(Wate Work Pipe) = 92
    4. 급수사용료부과(Assessment Water Amount Used) = 94
    Ⅷ. 유통 및 금융(MARKETING AND BANKING) = 96
    1. 시장분포현황(Distribution of markets) = 96
    2. 해외시장 개척 추진실적 = 98
    3. 외국기업 국내유치 실적 = 99
    4. 금융기관현황(은행)(Status of Banking Institutions(Banks)) = 100
    5. 새마을금고(Saemaeul Funds) = 105
    1. 주택의 종류(Type of Housing Units) = 106
    2. 아파트 건립현황(Apartment House Construction) = 106
    3. 주택의 점유형태(Type of Occupancy) = 107
    4. 토지거래허가 및 신고(Real estate permission and report) = 108
    5. 토지거래현황(Dealing in Real Estate State) = 108
    6. 하천부지점용(Occupation of River Site) = 110
    7. 도로현황(Roads) = 110
    8. 교량현황(Bridge) = 112
    9. 도로시설물(Road Facilities) = 112
    10. 개발제한구역(Development-Restriction Area) = 114
    11. 도시공원(City Park) = 114
    12. 도시계획(City Planning) = 116
    1. 자동차등록현황(Number of Registrated Motor Vehicles) = 118
    2. 주차장(Parking) = 120
    3. 관광사업체 등록(Registration of sight-seeing Enterprise) = 120
    4. 행정전산장비 보유(Administrative Computer Equipments) = 122
    5. 철도수송(Railway Operation) = 124
    6. 우편시설(Postal Service Facilities) = 125
    XI. 보건 및 사회복지(HEALTH AND SOCIAL WELFARE) = 126
    1. 의료기관(Number of Medical Facilities) = 126
    2. 의료기관종사 의료인력(Number of Occupied Medical Personnels) = 126
    3. 보건소 인력(Work force in Health Center) = 128
    4. 보건지소 및 보건진료소인력(Number of Staff in health and Primary care port) = 128
    5. 의약품 등 제조업소 및 판매업소(Number of pharmaceuflcs, etc) = 130
    6. 예방접종(Number of vaccinated) = 130
    7. 부정의료업자 단속실적(의료인)(Regulation for Illegal Medical Dealer(Medical Specialist)) = 132
    8. 부정의료업자 단속실적(의료기관)(Regulation for Illegal Medical Dealer(Medical Facilities)) = 132
    9. 법정전염병발생 및 사망현황(Case and Death of Infectious Diseases) = 134
    10. 나환자 현황(Leprosy Patients) = 136
    11. 결핵환자 현황(Tubercle Patients Health) = 136
    12. 가족계획 사업실적(Achievement of Family Planning Activities) = 138
    13. 식품위생관계업소(Number of Licensed Food premises) = 138
    14. 공중위생관계업소(Number of Licensed Public premises) = 140
    15. 국민연금가입자(National Pension Insurance) = 142
    16. 국가보훈대상자(Number of Patriots and Veterans) = 144
    17. 국가보훈대상자취업(Vocational Guidance of Patriots and Veterans) = 146
    18. 국가보훈대상자 자녀취학(Education Benefits and Veterans and their Children) = 146
    19. 사회복지시설(Social Welfare Institutes) = 148
    20. 노인정(경로당)현황(Hall for the Aged) = 150
    21. 아동복지시설(Child Welfare Institutions) = 152
    22. 장애인복지시설수용(Status of Institutions for the Handicapped) = 153
    23. 노인복지수용시설(Welfare Institutions for the Aged) = 154
    24. 여성복지수용시설(Women's Welfare Institutions) = 155
    25. 생활보호대상자현황(Relief for the Livelihood) = 156
    26. 소년·소녀가장 세대(Number of Child-Headed Families) = 158
    27. 가정의례업소(Number of Family Ritual Business) = 160
    28. 묘지 및 납골시설(Cemetery and Charned house) = 162
    XII. 환경(ENVIRONMENT) = 164
    1. 환경오염물질배출시설(Environment Pollution Facilities) = 164
    2. 환경오염배출시설단속 및 행정조치(Inspection and Control of Environment Pollution Facilities) = 164
    3. 쓰레기수거(Collection of Garbage) = 166
    4. 분뇨수거(Collection of Excrements) = 168
    XIII. 교육 및 문화(EDUCATION AND CULTURE) = 170
    1. 각급학교총괄(Summary of Schools) = 170
    2. 유치원 현황(Kindergartens) = 172
    3. 초등학교 현황(Primary School) = 172
    4. 중학교(국·공립)(Middle School(National & Public)) = 174
    5. 중학교(사립)(Middle School(Private)) = 174
    6. 일반계고등학교(국·공립)(High School(National & Public)) = 176
    7. 일반계고등학교(사립)(High School(Private)) = 176
    8. 실업계고등학교(국·공립)(Vocational High School(National & Public)) = 178
    9. 실업계고등학교(사립)(Vocational High School(Private)) = 178
    10. 기타학교(Others School) = 180
    11. 적령아동취학상황(Enrollment of School Age Children) = 182
    12. 공공도서관(Public Libraries) = 184
    13. 문화재현황(Cultural Properties) = 186
    14. 예술단(Art Performance Corp) = 188
    15. 문화공간(Cultural Space) = 188
    16. 체육시설(Sports Facilities) = 190
    17. 언론매체(Mass Media) = 192
    18. 출판사 및 인쇄소등록(Registration of Publishing House and Printing House) = 192
    XIV. 재정(PUBLIC FINANCE) = 194
    1. 세목별지방세 징수액(Collection of Local Tax by Items) = 194
    2. 에산결산총괄(Summary of Budget and settlement) = 196
    3. 일반회계 세입결산(Settled Amount of Revenue of General Account by Items) = 198
    4. 일반회계 세출결산(Settled Amount of Expenditure of General Account by Items) = 200
    5. 특별회계 예산결산(Budget and Settlement of Special Accounting) = 202
    6. 구 공유재산(Gu Owned public Estate) = 204
    7. 지방세 부담(Collection of local tax by items) = 204
    1. 구공무원현황(정원)(Government Employees of Gu Office(Authorized)) = 206
    2. 동공무원현황(정원)(Government Employees of Dong Office(Authorized)) = 208
    3. 관내관공서 및 주요기관(Number of Government and Public Offices) = 210
    4. 민원서류처리(Disposal of Civil-Request Document) = 212
    5. 풍수해발생(Occurrence of Natural Disaters) = 212
    6. 재난사고발생발생 및 피해현황(A View on Disater outbreak & Damages) = 214
    1. 부평구청 기구표(Organization Table of Pupyong-Gu)
    2. 부평구 의회기구표(The Local Assembly Organization Table of Pupyong-Gu)
    3. 역대 구청장 현황(Chronological Status of Mayor of Pupyong-Gu)
    4. 역대 부구청장 현황(Chronological Status of Vice Mayor of pupyong-Gu)
    5. 역대 구의원 현황(Chronological Status of Local Assembly Man)
    6. 행정구역 일람표(List of Administrative District)
    7. 문화재 현황(Cultural properties)